Submarine Cable Reinforcement Project
CSR GeoSurveys Ltd. was contracted to conduct hydrographic, geophysical and topographic surveys along the proposed routes for a submarine cable reinforcement project. The project consisted of the replacement of a 20 MW, 69 kV ac three-core submarine cable running along the seafloor between two marine passages. The submarine cable routes surveyed by CSR GeoSurveys Ltd. totaled approximately 3.5 km and 16.3 km in length.
The geophysical survey included the acquisition of sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, magnetometer, multibeam echosounder, and current profiler data. An airborne topo-bathymetric lidar provided elevations of the onshore and shallow nearshore areas. Conventional land surveys using RTK-GPS were completed between each existing cable terminal station and landfall location.

Offshore surveys were required to gain an understanding of the cable corridor bathymetry, surficial geology and features, sub-bottom geology, and water current conditions. Land surveys were required to measure topographic elevations, identify natural and man-made features, legal property boundaries, roads, rights-of-ways, and buried utility locations within each landfall easement. Permanent survey control points were also established at each existing cable terminal station.
- Port Development, Montserrat
- Chukchi Shelf Regional Studies
- Submarine Cable Reinforcement Project
- Offshore Wind Turbine Project
- HVDC Submarine Power Cable Project
- Submarine Pipeline Project
- Sea of Okhotsk (Russian Arctic)
- Route Assessment Project, Chukchi Sea
- Resolute Bay (Canadian Arctic)
- Hydrographic Surveys, Halifax Harbour
- Wind Farm Submarine Cable Route
- Artificial Island Sediment Mobility Projects, Beaufort Sea