Sea of Okhotsk (Russian Arctic)
CSR conducted two surveys within the Sea of Okhotsk offshore Sakhalin Island for Exxon and Sakhalin Energy Investment Company. The Exxon survey was conducted from a research camp utilizing small boats immediately following ice break-up. The objectives of the Exxonsurvey were:
- Acquire high resolution sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, bathymetry and grab/core geological data to gain additional insight into the seabed sediments along the pipeline routes and offshore structure locations.
- Acquire data on ice gouge and bottom sediment mobility to develop design criteria for pipelines and subsea systems.
- Determine temporal and spatial ice gouge obliteration rates.

The Sakhalin Energy high resolution geophysical survey was conducted from a large offshore vessel in support of proposed development including offshore structures and sub-sea pipelines. A comprehensive statistical analysis, report, and GIS were provided to SEIC as a final deliverable.
- Port Development, Montserrat
- Chukchi Shelf Regional Studies
- Submarine Cable Reinforcement Project
- Offshore Wind Turbine Project
- HVDC Submarine Power Cable Project
- Submarine Pipeline Project
- Sea of Okhotsk (Russian Arctic)
- Route Assessment Project, Chukchi Sea
- Resolute Bay (Canadian Arctic)
- Hydrographic Surveys, Halifax Harbour
- Wind Farm Submarine Cable Route
- Artificial Island Sediment Mobility Projects, Beaufort Sea