Geotechnical Investigations

CSR GeoSurveys Ltd. has extensive experience in performing geotechnical investigations to support the design and engineering of marine infrastructure, including pipeline and cable routes, jack-up installations, and port developments. We conduct geotechnical sampling to provide our clients with detailed information on the nature and mechanical properties of the seabed, and to support ground truthing of geophysical data.  

CSR has the ability to acquire marine geotechnical data in nearshore and offshore environments, using a range of in-house equipment that can be deployed from one of our dedicated survey vessels or from third party vessels. Using our advanced equipment, technical expertise, and long-term partnerships with geotechnical laboratories, CSR is able to provide collection, processing, testing, and analysis of sediment samples.

CSR offers the following geotechnical sampling methods:

  • Grab Sampling
  • Vibracoring
  • Cone Penetration Testing (CPT)
  • Piston/Gravity Coring