Depth to Bedrock Profiling

CSR GeoSurveys Ltd. offers a range of non-destructive, cost-effective, and high resolution geophysical investigation techniques for mapping depth to and rippability of bedrock. We have vast experience in selecting the appropriate methods for subsurface mapping, based on the goals of the client, site conditions, regional geology, and geophysical principles. We provide our clients with accurate bedrock profiling and evaluation of rock rippability to improve rock excavation volume estimates, facilitate grading plan designs, aid in the mobilization of proper excavation equipment, improve cost estimates, and maximize overall production.

The primary methodologies utilized by CSR to conduct bedrock profile investigations include ground penetrating radar (GPR), seismic refraction, and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). Project requirements and site specifics are reviewed to ensure that appropriate methodology is selected, as each has its pros and cons.