HVDC Submarine Power Cable Project
CSR GeoSurveys Ltd. conducted a marine geophysical survey and geotechnical exploration program for a HVDC submarine power cable project in The Great Lakes. The proposed submarine cable route is approximately 104 km along the lakebed of Lake Erie between Nanticoke, Ontario and Springfield Township, Pennsylvania.
This project included the collection, processing and analysis of the following geophysical data.
- Chirp sub-bottom data (Klein 3310 Chirp)
- Boomer reflection sub-bottom data (Surface Tow/CSP-P 350J)
- Sidescan sonar data (Klein 3000)
- Marine magnetometer data (Marine Magnetics SeaSpy)
- Multibeam echosounder data (Odom MB1)
- Dual frequency single beam echosounder (Odom CV3)
- Nearshore video transects

This project also included the collection, field analysis/testing, and laboratory analysis of the following geotechnical samples:
62 vibracore samples (5 m cores)
36 in situ thermal resistivity test locations
8 boreholes at the landfall sites using a jack-up barge (JU50)
10 nearshore grab samples
- Port Development, Montserrat
- Chukchi Shelf Regional Studies
- Submarine Cable Reinforcement Project
- Offshore Wind Turbine Project
- HVDC Submarine Power Cable Project
- Submarine Pipeline Project
- Sea of Okhotsk (Russian Arctic)
- Route Assessment Project, Chukchi Sea
- Resolute Bay (Canadian Arctic)
- Hydrographic Surveys, Halifax Harbour
- Wind Farm Submarine Cable Route
- Artificial Island Sediment Mobility Projects, Beaufort Sea